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School Name: Adarsh Vidyalaya
Location: Siddharth Nagar, S R Road, Near Prabhodan Play Ground, Goregaon West, 400062, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone: n/a
website: n/a
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Adarsh Vidyalaya

Adarsh Vidyalaya is a big school situated in the Siddharth Nagar area of Goregaon, Mumbai. The school is running successful from several years. The school is a co-educational school and is famous for the quality of education education it gives to all. The school follows the marathi and english as their language for taking the classes and deliver their lectures at the campus. The school has a good faculty with friendly staffs who lookafter the students so that they can get the best education and make their future. The school administration is much more caring and work regularly to make learning process much efficient and embedded with the modern education. 

School level

High School


State Board

School Video

Admission in this school is open to all. The admission application should be filled and submitted to the principal's office for seeking admission in this school. Whereas the school take admissions under the guidance of the state authorities and respective offices.




Computer Lab

Indoor Gaming

Outdoor Gaming

Extra-Curricular Activities

Physical Training

The infrastructure of the school is well maintained and is equipped with several latest facilities available at the major schools. The school has many classrooms with playground and airy hall area. The classrooms are more spacious and airy to make the students relaxed and focus on their studies.