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School Name: Activity High School
Location: #2 Gamadia Road, Horse Peddar Road Cumbala Hill, Near Jaslok Hospital, 400026, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone: 022 - 23517909, 022 - 23515448
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Activity High School

Activity High School is one of the prestigious high school in Mumbai and the school is affiliated to the ICSE Board. It is basically a private and co-education type of institution aimed at providing quality education to each and every child. The school offers excellent education through their well experienced and qualified teaching faculties and friendly staff members taking care of the child's interests. The school also look after that there will be a growth of a child on both aspects, physical as well as mental growth.

School level

High School



School Video

Admission in this school is open to all. The admission application should be filled and submitted to the director's office for seeking admission in this school. Whereas the school take admissions under the guidance of the state authorities and respective offices.


Laboratory Library

Computer Lab

Indoor Gaming

Outdoor Gaming


Extra-Curricular Activities

Physical Training

and others

The school is rich in its infrastructure and building. There are around large classrooms and large playground inside the campus. The school provide a hygienic and healthy environment for the mutual growth of their students. Large halls for the indoor gaming with full ventilation and lighting are also available inside the campus for the students.