Location: | NAPP TOWNSHIP NARORA BULANDSHAHAR-202389 UTTAR PRADESH , 202389, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | |
website: | n/a |
AEC School was established at NAPP Township, Narora on 2nd August 1976. Now the school runs in two buildings. One is for Senior Secondary and Secondary classes and the other is for Primary classes. Classes VI to XII run in the main building and classes Pre-Prep to class V run in the building meant for Primary section. A Local Management Committee which includes senior functionaries of NAPS looks after the smooth and efficient functioning of the school. The Station Director of NAPS is also the Chairman, LMC, of AEC School, Narora.
Atomic Energy Central School, Narora is run and managed by Atomic Energy Education Society, a Central Autonomous Body under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. The Society's Governing Council consists of members who are senior officers and scientists of the Department of Atomic Energy. At present the society is running schools at Anushaktinagar (Mumbai), Tarapur (Maharashtra), Hyderabad (A.P.), Manuguru (A.P.), Jaduguda (Jharkhand), Narwapahar(Jharkhand), Kakrapar (Gujrat), OSCOM (Orissa), Indore (M.P.), Rawatbhata (Rajsthan), Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu), Anupuram (Tamilnadu), Kudankulam (Taminadu), Kaiga (Karnataka), Mysore (Karnataka) and Narora (U.P.). The Syllabus and scheme of studies adopted by the schools for classes from I to X are on the pattern of Kendriya Vidyalaya. Classes XI & XII at each centre are affiliated, either to the state board or the CBSE, Delhi depending on the local conditions.
The Atomic Energy Central Schools aim at providing an all round education that is intellectual, physical and spiritual to all students regarding of their religion, race, caste and language. AEC Schools have classes from I to XII at most of the centres. At some centres, Pre-Prep / Prep classes have also been introduced. Classes X and XII of AECS, Narora are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
Sr. Secondary School
Kendriya Vidyalaya