School Name: | A.I.I. English Primary School |
Location: | 50, 54 Kholsa Mohalla Baig Mohammed Street Pydhonie , 400003, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | n/a |
website: | n/a |
A.I.I. English Primary School is affiliated to the state board and is counted among the some of the best schools. This school has an experienced team of staff and qualified teaching faculties who knows how to handle the students in an efficient way. The school follows the guidelines as per the state board and works in the direction of providing the best in class education to each and every student in their institute. Apart from these regular practices, the school also in the counseling of their students by providing a separate counseling cell where the counseling is done by the experienced Counselors and psychologists. The school is aimed at future based preparation so that every students may have understanding of the present scenario and requirements.
Primary Schools
State Board
Admissions are taken as per the guidelines of the school management under the provisions of the state government guidelines. Application forms need to be submitted by filling them completely at the school administration office.
Computer Lab
Indoor Gaming
Outdoor Gaming
Extra-Curricular Activities
Physical Training
and others
The school is rich in its infrastructure and building. There are large classrooms and large playground inside the campus. The school provide a hygienic and healthy environment for the mutual growth of their students. Large halls for the indoor gaming with full ventilation and lighting are also available inside the campus for the students.