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School Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Ottapalam
Location: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Palappuram , 679, Ottapalam, Kerala, India
Phone: - 0466 2244388, 0466 2248488
website: n/a
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Kendriya Vidyalaya Ottapalam



About Kendriya Vidyalaya Ottapalam


rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn
 Date of opening of the KV June 1986
 Highest class XII
No. of sections sanctioned for each class rn

Class I to X with 3 Sections each


Class XI & XII with 2 Sections   in Science &  one in Commerce

 Sector Civil 
 District Palakkad
 State Kerala


  1. rn
    1 The Genesis of the KV
  2. rn


        Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ottapalam is situated in the sylvan setting on the banks of the river 'Nila', 1.6 km away from the Palakkad-Ponnani state highway at Palappuram. This Vidyalaya was established  thanks to the efforts of the elite public of Ottapalam especially Shri.K.R.Narayanan who was the MP pf Ottapalam and a Minister in the Union Government then. The school building is known for itsarchitectual beauty and perfection. The 8.95 acre campus is rich with its flora. Within a span of a short time this Vidyalaya has become a pioneering institution in the locality.


         2.Important milestones of growth




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1986   The Vidyalaya started in a Private building at Kanniyampuram, near Ottapalam.
 1991 Grade I Principal joined

 1992 March

 The first batch of class X appeared for the CBSE Exam
 1992 Junern

 The Vidyalaya shifted to its permanent campus at Palappuram. The new building was inaugurated


by Shri K.R.NArayanan, the then Vice President of India.

 1994 March First batch of class XII appeared for the Board Exam( Science Stream).
 1997 Commerce Stream was started
 1998 Started the construction of a small hall to conduct three classes for primary section at the initiative of   the PTA.
 2001 A one room building was constructed using the Fund of Local Area Development Fund of MP.
 2004 Rain Harvesting Project was done.
 2006 July Second Computer Lab and a full fledged Audio Visual Aids room were inaugurated.
 2007 Informatics Practices and Computer Science were introduced in Class XI .
 2008 Construction of new building including additional classrooms, activity room, Library, Vice Principal's room and two toilets started
 2009 One more section  was added in class XI Science stream making this Vidyalaya a full   fledged three section school .


        3. Gradual year wise expansion in classes and sections leading to present status


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1986  Classes I to V  one section each started 
 1991 The second section started in classes I to V
 1996 The third section started in classes I to V
 1992 Class XI started with Science Stream.
 1997 Second section started in Class XI with Commerce Stream.
 2007 Informatics Practices and Computer Science included in Class XI as elective.
 2009 One more section was added in Class XI Science stream.


       4. Details of Previous and New campus.


        The school was started at Kanniampuram in a private building behind the Post office and was shifted to its permanant campus in 1992. In the beginning the campus was barren. But the same year plantation of variety of flora started. The Forest Department co-operated  initially. Now the campus became a green spot.


                                                         PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE


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 S.NoType of room  No.of rooms available No. of rooms lying vacant
 1Class room  31 nil
 2 Science Lab 3 nil
 3 Computer Lab 2 nil
 4 Library 1 nil
 5 Jr.Science LAb 1 nil
 6 Resource Room(Primary wing) nil nil
 7 Resource Room( Secondary Wing) 1 nil
 8 Activity Room 1 nil
 9 Staff Common Room 1 nil
 10 PET Room 1 nil
 11 Exam Room 1 nil
 12 HM Room 1 nil
 13 Maths Lab 1 nil

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School type

Kendriya Vidyalaya

School Video

he School building is perfect in its architectural design. There is an inner court yard with sloping lawn leading to a roofed stage. This court yard is used as a multipurpose open air auditorium. There are 45 well ventilated Class rooms, Four well equipped Labs, an advanced library, Two air-conditioned Computer rooms, an air-conditioned Conference Hall and one room building used as PTA Office. There are three play grounds and one children's park. A beautiful graden with different types of plants and flowers is well maintained