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School Name: Carmei Convent High School
Location: Mandya - 571401 Karnataka, 571401, Harihar, Karnataka, India
Phone: n/a
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Carmei Convent High School

Carmel Convent High School is a school near Badlapur, Thane district. It was founded in 1990 by the sisters of the Congregation of Mother of Carmel, which is the first indigenous. Congregation of India founded in Kerala in the year 1866.[1].

This school is a co-ed. school. The school is currently governed by Sister Philo. The school is located on the Katrap highway, close to Sun-n-Shade Resort and Indian oil petrol pump and is around 4½ km away from the



School level

High School

School type

Catholic Schools

School Video


a/c room,educomp class,interactive teaching.

located near church.