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IIMs to admit more female students in 2013-15

Jagriti Singh, Updated On:02-Feb-2013

The IIMs are actively trying to improve the gender ratio in their classrooms for the 2013-2015 academic sessions, according to th latest data from the top 3 IIMs.

The IIMs at Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Kolkata have together shortlisted 989 women candiates for the personal interviews-the last stage for the admission process. These three IIMs together offer a total of 1272 seats compare this number with 2012 when the institutes had shortlisted 646 women candidates for the PI rounds to fill 1222 seats  i.e. the percentage of women shortlisted at the top three IIMs has increased from 15.96% to 23.3%.

The number of women appearing for CAT has increased gradually over the last few years:

53,732 women candidates took CAT 2010

56,050 women candidates took CAT 2011

60,876 women candidates took  CAT 2012


1) IIM Calcatta which is awarding 3 points(out of 100) to female candidates for the first time this year has     seen the number of shortlisted women double to 395 this year from 170 in 2012.

2) IIM Bangalore and IIM Ahmedabad have not increased the points awrded to female aspirants but have     still seen women in the shortlist rise from 200 to 230 and 276 to 364 respectively.

3) New IIM such as IIM Rohtak, IIM Kashipur and IIM Udaipur has also put ion marked efforts to attract talented young women into the final talent pool by adding weightage to diversity. IIM Rohtak is awarding 30 additional marks to a girl student while IIM Udaipur is giving 15 marks and IIM Kashipur 3 points.


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