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Name: JEE Advanced 2014
Exam Full Name:: Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2014
Category: Engineering
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JEE Advanced 2014


Admission to all undergraduate programmes in IITs for Indian and Foreign national will be made through JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) Advanced 2014. JEE Main 2014 will be conducted by JEE Apex Board during the month of April 2014. Details of JEE main Exam 2014 is available here


JEE Advanced 2014

JEE Advanced 2014 exam jointly conducted by IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee and IIT Guwahati. These Institutes are henceforth referred as the zonal IITs. JEE Advanced 2014 exam will be conducted in select major cities and towns of India. In JEE Advanced 2014 exam there will be two question papers each of 3 hours duration. The question paper will be available in English and Hindi both languages. Each of the question papers will consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 


Exam Level

National level exam


Contact Information

Candidates who wish to appear for the JEE Advanced 2014 exam must have to write JEE Main 2014 exam (paper 1) that is expected to be conducted in the month of April 2014. Only top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories) JEE Main exam 2014 qualified students will be eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced 2014 exam. Below is the Distribution of top 1.50,000 candidates among various categories:

  • Top 40500 (27%) OBC NCL (Other Backward Caste Non Creamy Layer)
  • Top 11250 (7.5%) ST (Scheduled Tribe)
  • Top 75750 (50.5%) CML (Common Merit List)
  • Top 22500 (15%) SC (Scheduled Caste)

3% of the total candidates of each category will be reserved for PD (Physically Disabled) candidates as per Gol norms.


A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) maximum two times in consecutive years. Candidates who had attempted JEE advanced in 2013 for the first time can appear in JEE advanced 2014.

JEE Advanced 2014 exam mode

In JEE Advanced 2014 there will be two question papers, each of them will be of three hours duration. The question papers will be in English and Hindi both.


JEE Advanced Exam Pattern

Each of the question papers will consist of three separate sections of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The detailed syllabus is given you can download. The questions will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates. In some sections, incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks. The answers for each of the questions are to be marked on a separate, 2-sheet carbonless paper.


Please Note: Candidate must not separate or disturb the alignment of the upper and lower sheets at any stage during the examination. The upper sheet is specially designed machine readable sheet of paper (ORS-Optical Response Sheet). While answering each of the questions the candidate is expected to darken the bubble against correct answers only on the upper sheet using black ball point pen. The darkening on the upper sheet should be done in such a manner that the impression is seen on the lower sheet. Responses recorded on the upper sheet only will be taken as final. The candidate can take away the lower sheet with the permission of the invigilator at the end of the examination.


JEE Advanced 2014 exam schedule:

Paper 1: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs (IST)
Paper 2: 14.00 to 17.00 hrs (IST)

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