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Location: Kariyamanikam Road, Samayapuram, Trichy – 621112, Tamilnadu, India., 621112, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 0431 – 2670699, 98424 72577

K.ramakrishnan College Of Engineering

 K.RAMAKRISHNAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TIRUCHIRAPALLI in the famous temple town of Shri Samayapuram Mariyamman temple on the sprawling campus of 30 acres with a panoramic and pleasant view. This college stands as a testimony to the wisdom and foresight to cater to the educational needs and aspirations of the people. With a great wisdom, the founder of this institution has rightly coined the motto “Empower through Education”.The institution has grown excellently from strength to strength over the past three years, as a premier institute of higher learning under the able and committed leaderships of successive people.To emerge as an Institute of Excellence in higher learning, imparting value based education in line with global standards.

Right from its inception, the institution has been laying more emphasis on teaching, research and extension activities in different subjects. The institution has 6 departments, with total academic faculty strength of 100 and 30 non-teaching and student strength of 1000.


 To foster faith among students on human values.

To help improve the psychological competence of students to enable them to handle the challenges of life successfully and excel in the desired field.
To develop life skill.
To develop job – ready talents through special training programmes.
To help secure real time project work in industries.
To offer guidance for pursuing higher studies.
To endeavour for expanding institute-industry interaction.
To identify companies / firms to facilitate suitable placement opportunities for students through campus interviews.


To secure 100% placement for all the eligible students before they leave the institution.
The sole aim is that education should end with an employment.

1.  TCS  43
 2.  HCL  7
 3.  WIPRO  24
 4.  ZENXO  5
 5.  CSS CORP  7
 6.  SYNTEL  4
 11.  HCL B SERVE  1
 14  Total  118




3 to 5 lpa.