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Location: Medical College PO, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State. India , 695, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Phone: + 91- 471 -2528386

Trivandrum Medical College

Trivandrum Medical college is first medical college in southern state of Kerala, established in 1951. The college is globally known for its cost effective treatment which is a contribution by the alumis of the institution. The separate medical health center for children and women was later established in 1952. The 139 acred campus is surrounded with high coconut trees and is sea faced which is just 3 km from the sea. Located at the north west border. The courses offered by the institute are M.B.B.S. (Annual intake of 200 students),M.D ./M.S. (Annual intake of around 86 students in 23 disciplines), D.M./M.Ch. (18 seats in 4 and 6 disciplines respectively). Expertise faculty group along with Central and State governement has helped in maintaining this standard.



Trivandrum Medical college provide excellence placement. Every year alomst 70 percent student placed in well recognised organization.