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Location: Dhakshinapuram, Vallathirakkottai (post), Pudukkottai – 622305. Tamil Nadu – South India, 622305, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 04322 –242558, 04322-242561

MNSK College Of Engineering

TheMNSK College of Engineering was established in the year 2002, with a vision to create engineers having the drive, skill and confidence to become the pioneers of tomorrow.

The college is recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and affiliated to the Anna University of Technology, Trichirappalli which is known internationally for its academic excellence.

The courses offered are designed to cater to the industrial needs for skilled professionals in the field of engineering and technology. The college offers the following Undergraduate and Postgraduate academic programmes.


The Placement, Training and welfare (PTW) cell functions with the primary aim of placing students in top-notch companies even during the course of their study, prior to placement, the PTW cell takes considerable efforts to train the students come up to industry expectations.



Developing the communication skills of the students.

Developing their soft skills for facing the competitive interviews

Motivating them to develop their overall personality in terms of career planning, goal setting and reskilling, qualities that will stand them in good stead even during their working lives

Motivating students to go for higher studies and guiding them to take competitive  exam such as CAT,GATE,TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and IELTS