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Location: amroli,surat,gujrat, 394151, Surat, Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 261 2495288, +91 261 2499382

JZ Shah Arts HP Shah Commerce College

 It is said that the worthiest of ‘Daans’ (Gifts) is ‘Vidya Daan’. Any effort to improve and further the case of education is both commendable and vital. This was realiased by Jivan Jyot Trust, Amroli. The pioneering effort of the trustees, their foresight and creative instinct led to the foundation of J.Z.SHAH ARTS AND H.P.DESAI COMMERCE COLLEGE, AMROLI in JULY 1991.

From a seeding the Trust has now developed into a banyan tree. The generosity and munificence of two seths actually paved the way for the establishment of Arts and Commerce College. Situated on the banks of Tapi river, having within its vicinity the Jalaram Temple, this college is equipped with all modern amenities.
J.Z.SHAH ARTS AND H.P.DESAI COMMERCE COLLEGE, AMROLI-SURAT managed by Jivan Jyot Trust Amroli, established in 1991 provides intensive knowledge to the students of Amroli and nearby areas. The College has been Accredited “B” Grade with CGPA 2.27 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Banglore on March 28′ 2008. More than 3501 students study in this college. The college is running smothly under the leadership and guidance of Prin. Dr. K.N. Chavda, with his most enthusiastic team of 32 knowledgeable lecturers.


  -- Other Arts 3 Year(s), Full Time