The JDMVP. Co. Op. Samaj's Arts, Science & Commerce College, Yava, Jalgaon - 425301 Maharashtra, Phone: (02585) 261418 , 262162, Affiliated to: North Maharashtra University submitted its Self Study Report to National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Bangalore for Institutional Accreditation in the month of October 2003. The Peer Team was constituted by the Council to visit the institution and validate the Self Study Report. The team consisting of Prof. A. M. Pathan, former Vice-Chancellor, Karnatak University Dharwad as Chairperson, Prof. U. Subba Rao, Director, Student Support Services, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad as Member and Dr. C. D. Lethi, Professor of Zoology Holy Cross College, Triruchirapalli as Member Coordinator have visited the institution on 5 and 6th Jan. 2004.
The Arts, Commerce and Science College, Yawal is affiliated to North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. The College was established in 1983 by J.D.M.V.P. Cooperative Society which has the experience of running large number of educational institutions. The mission of the institution is to give valuable and qualitative education aimed for the overall development of the students of tribal area of this region. The motto of the college is 'Bahujana Hitaya Bahunaja Sukhai' i.e. the interest of the masses and for the welfare of the masses.
The college is spread over 02 acres of land. The college has been in existence for the last 20 years and has grown in its strength with 18 permanent, 09 temporary and 01 part time teachers with 25 administrative staff and student strength of 751 in UG program. The college runs 03 Programs and follows annual system of examination.
The Peer Team carefully perused and analyzed the Self Study Report submitted by the institution. During the institutional visit, the team went through the entire relevant documents, visited the departments and facilities and interacted with the various constituents of the institution. The academic, co curricular, sports and extension facilities of the institution were also visited. The Peer Team interacted with the Governing Body, Head of the institution, faculty, administrative staff, students, parents and alumni of the institution. Based on the above exercise and also keeping in mind the criteria identified by NAAC, the assessment of the institution under various criteria, the issues of concern, commendations and the recommendations are given in the following pages.
Criterion I: Curricular Aspects
The institution offers 03 programs at the under graduate level, B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. in respective faculty. The students who aspire for a B. A. degree have options of Marathi, Hindi, English, Urdu, History, Economics and Geography as Special Subjects. The choice of Special Subjects for science students is Chemistry.
Because of its affiliated status, the college follows the curriculum and the syllabi formulated by the North Maharashtra University. However, a few members of the staff, in the capacity of the members of the Boards of Studies contribute to the curriculum designing of the University.
The college organizes co-curricular activities such as field visits, study tours, and various competitions for the over all personality development of the students. The choice of subjects, especially in the science faculty, is limited. Introduction of more subjects at general and special level in accordance with the local and global trends would help the students to equip themselves to face future. A few vocational subjects may be introduced to make the programs job-oriented.
Criterion II: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
During admission to various programs, priority is given to the students from the Junior School which is run by the same management. The remaining seats are filled up based on their academic records, giving consideration to students from economically backward and rural areas. However, there is a steady decline in the admission from the academic year 2000-2001 to 2003-2004 for unknown reasons.
Even though large majority of the students are from socially and economically disadvantaged strata of the society, the institution does not have a formal mechanism to assess their entry level behavior, identify the slow learners and to organize proper remedial programs for them. This, perhaps, has resulted in a low percentage of pass in the university examinations.
As per the regulations of the North Maharashtra University, the college follows annual pattern of examinations. Each academic year is divided into 2 terms to schedule the teaching programs. The teachers prepare monthly teaching plans and adhere to them. They make use of teaching aids such as charts, models, maps, OHP and so on. Tutorials and term tests are conducted as per the University regulations. Although there is no mandate from the university to hold seminars, assignments and group discussions, the teachers take pains to hold them to help the students develope varied skills.
There is no teacher-performance assessment by the students. The college follows the self-appraisal method to evaluate the teachers' performance at the time of promotion.
Out of the 24 teachers, 02 are qualified with Ph.D., 12 with M. Phil. and the rest have P.G. qualification. Teachers update their knowledge by attending refresher and orientation programs conducted by U.G.C. A few teachers have also attended seminars at national and state levels.
Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension
Although the college is situated in a rural background, the teachers have made efforts to improve their qualifications through research doing M. Phil. and Ph. D. 02 teachers have acquired doctorate, 01 is about to be awarded doctoral degree and 03 teachers have submitted doctoral thesis. 02 teachers one from Hindi and one from Urdu in the college are recognized guides and are guiding part time students for Ph.D. program. Teachers from the departments of Hindi, Urdu and English have published books, short stories and other literary works. Some of these books are recommended as reference books for U.G. Programs by certain universities.
The N.S.S Unit, Adult Education Dept., Art Club and the Staff Academy of the college organize the extension activities of the college. The enthusiasm exhibited by number of faculty members in organizing extension activities is commendable. The college has adopted a village, made a socio-economic survey and executed number of projects to uplift the residents of this village. The N.S.S. volunteers participate in programs such as community development, adult literacy, environmental awareness and tree plantation and blood donation drives. The Adult Education Dept. organized 'Udyojakta Parichay Shibir' in association with the Adult and Continuing Education and Extension Dept. of the North Maharashtra University. The college also conducted a 2 day 'Self Employment Camp'.
Although the teachers have potential to undertake research activity and publish papers, they are unable to do it for the lack of financial support from U.G.C., as the college is not covered under 2(f) and 12(B).
Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
The college functions in 02 places, one in a campus of 02 acres, which is owned by the Society and the other owned by the Zilla Panchayath on a rental basis. Although the college has only limited physical facilities to run the programmes, it ensures the optimum use of the available infrastructure. It has a main building with 18 rooms in the hired campus and a newly constructed block in their own campus. There is a proposal to construct more blocks as the part of the future plans of expansion.
The college has a library with 8,908 books which are predominantly text books. There are 25 journals/magazines in the library. The library is open from 8 am to 5 pm for the students and teachers.
The college is providing moderate facilities for indoor and outdoor games and sports. The spacious playground in front of the newly constructed block gives adequate facility for the games like cricket, basketball and volleyball and the Gymkhana is used for indoor games.
Criterion V: Student Support and Progression
The college publishes its prospectus every year which details the courses offered, admission procedures and also the student facilities. The annual college magazine which was published earlier was discontinued.
The college provides ample scope for the participation of the students in cultural, sports and academic events and conducts numbers of events that enable them to exhibit their talents. Outstanding sports students are encouraged with incentives. 02 students represented University team in wrestling and 01 student in senior State Ball Badminton tournament.
The college has taken all efforts to avail various scholarships to majority of the students from the Central Government or State Government during 2001-2002 and 2002-2003.
In a short span of 20 years, the college has produced a good band of well-employed alumni. The interaction of the Peer Team with the alumni revealed the fact that the college was instrumental in showing them direction in their life. Recently, the college has formulated an Alumni Association. The college, by way of giving prizes, certificates and mementos motivates and felicitates the meritorious students.
Criterion VI: Organization and Management
The Arts, Commerce and Science College, Yawal is a registered institution under the Cooperative Society act as well as the Bombay Public Trust Act. The Executive Committee comprising of 23 members occupy the top-most level in the hierarchy. A Sub-Committee of this apex body, the Co-ordination Committee takes care of the administrative affairs of the college. The college has a Local Management Committee to look into its day to day affairs.
The Principal and Heads of the Departments manage the academic activities of the college. The Heads of the Departments have frequent discussions with the colleagues to ensure the effective implementation of the academic calendar. There are various committees to take care of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities and to organize different activities.
Criterion VII: Healthy Practices
Peer team appreciates the following healthy practices in the college.
Students are encouraged to participate in sports and various competitions organized by different agencies
College arranges lectures/talks by eminent personalities.
Teachers take effort to develop skills in students motivating them to take up assignments based on field study and do seminars.
College inculcates social consciousness and promotes community leadership skills in students through its extension programs. Further, by adopting a village as part of its extension program, it has brought noticeable changes in the village.
Though the college does not have a Guidance or Counseling cell, the teachers volunteer to help the students in need.
Non-teaching staff has cordial and co-operative relations with college authorities, teachers and students.
The Peer Team is pleased to acknowledge the efforts, the college has made in translating its mission of providing higher education to socially and economically weaker sections of the society into reality. The college has good student support and welfare programs. The management of the college is quite open in its approach and has been very enthusiastic in providing the necessary support for the overall progress of the institution.
The college is making efforts for its growth in all dimensions which is seen as a result of its existence during last 20 years. The college has provided optimal academic and other support facilities and provided healthy academic atmosphere.
The Peer Team appreciates the efforts made so far by the college for its academic growth and likes to commend the positive features and few areas of concern and wishes to offer recommendations in the following pages.
The effort made by the college in the development of civic sense and responsibility in young students through extension activities which also include performing street plays to create awareness on illiteracy, A.I.D.S. etc., organizing fund raising during national calamities and crisis.
'Udyojakata Parichaya Shibir' to create awareness about self employment.
Student representation at state and university level in games.
Encouragement given to outstanding sports persons with incentives.
Initiation taken by the teachers in helping needy students in the form of financial help or otherwise and enthusiasm exhibited in organizing extension activities.
The college may take the necessary steps to get 2 (f) and 12 (B) from U.G.C.
The college authorities may establish a Career Guidance/ Counseling Cell.
College may provide additional sports facilities to the students.
Steps may be taken by the institution to provide reading room facility in the library.
Procuring more reference books, periodicals and journals and establishment of a few terminals for browsing would strengthen the library.
The college may initiate some vocational diploma/ certificate programs such as vermiculture, Mushroom Culture, Baanana Processing etc. which would give them scope for self employment in the locality.
A central computer center may be opened to offer adequate services to the staff and students.
The college may consider the possibility of setting up an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to help the institution to have internal quality checks all through the year.
The faculty members may acquire professional knowledge and skills by attending seminars/ workshops at national and state level.
The college may consider the introduction of subjects in emerging areas such as Biotechnology and courses in Computer Science, Electronics and B. Com. in Corporate Secretarial practice etc.
The Peer Team appreciates the efforts made by the Principal, staff and the students of the college. The team is confident that the college will achieve a fast and progressive transformation in course of time to achieve all its goals. The Peer Team desires to record its appreciation for the co-operation extended to them by the college during its stay.
Prof . A. M. Pathan (Chairperson)
Prof. U. Subba Rao (Member)
Dr. C. D. Lethi (Member Coordinator)
Rated Grade |
C |
Rated Date |
31/03/2007 |
Rated By |
Rated Grade |
B+ |
Rated Date |
31/03/2007 |
Rated By |