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Location: Borsi, Dhanora, 491001, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India
Phone: 7882-344781

Chhattisgarh Engineering College

 Chhattisgarh Engnieering College(CEC) is the one of the best engineering college of the chhattisgarh state.The college has state-of-the art insfrastructure,beautiful wi-fi campus and with the friendly environment.CEC has global excellence in the techincal education.The institute has best facilities and the top professors.

CEC offers udnergraduate and the psot graduate programmes in several engnieering streams of the engineering.It make the students professional and refine their skills and findout their hidden talent.The institute also conduct techincal and cultural events as the extra curicular activities for the students.CEC has converts the opportunities for the students as their results.