Location: | panchwarti nashik-3, 220033, Nashik, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | 0253 - 2512924 , 0253 - 2512924 |
Email: | office.lvh@mkg.edu |
Website: | n/a |
L.V.H. Mahavidyalaya, Panchavati, Nashik was started in 1971. Previously, it was known as Panchavati College. The college has two wings viz. Junior and Senior. The junior wing of the college has Arts, Science and Commerce faculties with a vocational department called M.C.V.C. The senior wing of the college imparts higher education through three faculties' viz. Arts, Commerce and Science. Besides the post graduate departments viz. M.Sc. in Chemistry and Electronics, M.Com., M.A. in Psychology, Geography, History and English are in operation. M.Phill. courses are also in operation in Psychology and History.
having good lpacement in various leading mnc's.