Kedar Nath Ginni Devi Modi Engineering College (KNGDMEC) is located in the heart of India's premier educational centre, the city of Modinagar. KNGDMEC has one of the finest interiors with a state of the art infrastructure and a skilled and dedicated team available to help our learners achieve their dreams. Our global family consists of students from all over India representing varied educational and cultural backgrounds. KINGDOM is organized into various functional departments such as Enrolment, Student Care, Evaluations, Programs and e-Learning, Data Support, Academics and Research, Editorial, Faculty Development, Systems and Web Support, Mails etc. All these departments work together in a seamlessly integrated manner with the ultimate objective of providing quality education and excellent student support services.
KNGDMEC emphasizes on a constantly evolving curriculum which is at par with the full time educational programs and meets the latest needs of a fast growing economy and progressive society. KNGDMEC introduces new and innovative educational programs each year empowering learners to meet the challenges of a dynamic society.